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Has anyone practiced the methods in the book The Power of Now? Are they really useful?

Has anyone practiced the methods in the book The Power of Now? Are they really useful?

It's really useful, but the exercise methods introduced in "The Power of Now" are not specific enough, which makes it difficult for people who are new to it to truly get started. Before reading "The Power of Now", I practiced for two years, always putting part of my attention on my body, that is, as mentioned in the book, connecting with my inner space while encountering external people and things. After practicing this for about two to three months, I gained some initial awareness. When emotions arise, I can sense changes in my inner emotions. The longer I practice, the faster and more sensitive my awareness becomes, and I am able to detect even subtle emotions over time."

"When you find yourself feeling nervous and anxious in daily life, don't analyze or think about it. Quickly come out of the thoughts of analysis, judgment, and distraction. Instead, bring your attention back to your body (when emotions arise, the main physical reaction is in the chest and abdomen, near the heart), and you will return to the present moment. Don't pay attention to all kinds of thoughts in the brain, but focus on your internal body sensations. Gradually, the emotional energy runs out of fuel (criticism, analysis, thinking in the mind). Your present moment state will allow you to watch all kinds of thoughts in the brain like watching a movie. Feel the various reactions in your body (there may be heat, numbness, itching, pain, etc., which vary from person to person). Gradually, your mind begins to quiet down, the fire in your heart slowly goes out, and you return to a calm state.

"Practice more often during waking hours. At any time, focus some of your attention on your inner body and exercise your awareness. When emotions arise, you can quickly become aware of them and return to the present moment. Otherwise, when powerful emotions arise, you will be involuntarily pushed by the energy of those emotions in your chest to act and do things that harm yourself and others, regretting it later.

Feel your emotions, savor them, and see what kind of feelings they bring up in your body. Observe them carefully. When you know your emotions well, you can transcend them.

I love someone. When I see him, my heart bursts with joy. It seems like the world disappears and only he and I exist. Do I really love this person? Actually, what I love is a feeling. He is just a hook that triggers my inner emotional feelings. I am addicted to the feeling of my heart beating wildly. Similarly, when I hate someone, what I hate is the uncomfortable feeling in my heart. Seeing that person immediately creates an unpleasant feeling, with the scalp tingling, heart racing, body heating up, and discomfort all over. If I see the person I love and the person I hate and feel no waves in my heart, then there is no difference between the person I love and the person I hate for me because there is no corresponding feeling arising within me. There is no preference or liking, no love or hate, no opposition. At this point, you have transcended your emotions and gained freedom in your heart, no longer being bound by various emotions...

Bless everyone

Note: Some people are not sensitive and it is difficult for them to feel obvious physical sensations. Some people are very sensitive and can easily feel the reactions caused by energy vibrations on the body level, such as acidity, numbness, itching, pain, electric current feeling, etc. (Different individuals have differences), but this doesn't matter, don't deliberately pursue strong feelings. Your goal is to release inner emotional energy through perception. You just need to focus on the corresponding parts inside the body. As long as you feel the inner emotions, the blockages will already be dissolving, and the pain will be decreasing...

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